Old medicine cabinet with razor blade slot

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I have a medicine cabinet in my kids bathroom that has the slot for used blades it was actually my wife that pointed it out to me the other day house was built in 1910 but I'm sure the medicine cabinet was from the 60's no idea if there are used razor blades in my wall Through the Looking-Glass With a Safety Razor - TIME In the back of old medicine cabinets, you may still see the little mail slot — blackened with rust at the edges — through which a man of another time would push a used razor blade, dropping it into a mysterious, never-seen depository, the graveyard of unkeen but still raggedly dangerous blades: a black hole. Medicine cabinet blade slot | Badger & Blade I've got a useless question that I have always wondered about, the safety razor blade slot in old medicine cabinets, where do the razors go? Between the walls?

Old medicine cabinet has slot for used razor blades that just ...

Best Wallpaper Tools - Buying Guide | GistGear Kyerivs Razor Blade Scraper setinclude a long and non-slip grip handle and a mini double edged Plastic Razor Blades makes scraping faster and easier ,the mini plastic razor blade scraper with silicone non-slip handle design and protective …

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Look! Old School Bathroom Razor Disposal. by Heather Blaha ... Apparently back in the day, some medicine cabinets had a tiny slit where you would dispose of old razor blades. Where do the blades go? Not “away” really, just into the wall. Unfortunately the guy helping us tear up our kitchen wasn’t expecting flying razor blades. Old Medicine Cabinets With Razor Bladeslots old medicine cabinets with razor bladeslots old medicine cabinets with razor bladeslots Old medicine cabinet stunning time cabinets had a slot in the back for used razor with regard to.Jan 03, 2019 · The house I grew up in has medicine cabinets with those slots in the back panel.

Razor Blade Slots In Medicine Cabinets

Shop Kmart and stock up your medicine cabinet with cold and flu medicine, pain relief, and sleep aids.Sears, Roebuck and Co. be inserted into the matching slot in the 2. be inserted into the matching slot in the motor housing. Shallow Parody - TV Tropes